If you are interested in enrolling your child at St Joseph’s, please see below.


St Joseph’s School welcomes children from all backgrounds. While Catholic schools were once exclusively made up of Catholic children, the enrolment of non-Catholic children has increased over time. This is primarily due to more and more families making schooling choices that embrace the values consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. They see Catholic schools as founded on Gospel values, as being well run, nurturing and strongly orientated towards family and community spirit. They seek the sense of inclusiveness that welcomes parents, students and staff to be part of a joint effort to give students the best education possible. Today, Catholic schools like St Joseph’s, are welcoming to all families who fully support the Catholic traditions and ethos of the school.

At St Joseph’s School, enrolment opportunities are at all year levels where vacancies occur however, our main entry points are Pre Kindy, Kindergarten and Pre Primary. We are happy to give you a tour of our school. Please contact the school office on (08) 9093 2351 if you would like to arrange this. Alternatively, you can take a virtual tour of our school.

Enrolment interviews are conducted by the principal or an assistant principal. All children seeking a place at St Joseph’s School must attend the interview. Following this interview, an offer of enrolment may be made to your child.

To apply for admission to St Joseph’s School, please fill in the appropriate enrolment form, along with a copy of your child’s:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Baptism Certificate (if baptised)
  • Immunisation Records
  • Priest Reference


Application forms, along with a $20 application fee, can be:

  • emailed to admin@stjosephsboulder.wa.edu.au
  • posted to Locked Bag 2093, Boulder WA 6432
  • dropped into the school office at 240 Burt St, Boulder

Enrolment Forms & Downloads

TELEPHONE: (08) 9093 2351  |  240 BURT STREET, BOULDER WA 6432