The Joey’s Lunch Bowl canteen provides delicious and healthy lunches for our students and staff.


Our school canteen, Joey’s Lunch Bowl, is open each TuesdayWednesday and Friday and offers delicious and nutritious recess and lunch choices for staff and students. We have a focus on minimising factory-produced foods and prepare as much as possible freshly in our canteen. The school canteen reinforces nutrition messages being taught in the classroom by modelling food and drink choices that are tasty, interesting and affordable.

Each item on the menu is classified according to the Traffic Light System, as recommended by the Canteen Association of Western Australia and the Department of Health WA. 

Green Foods – These are foods that should be eaten every day and include things such as fresh fruits and vegetables, wholegrain bread and cereals, lean meat and fat-reduced dairy products. The majority of our menu is made up of these types of food.

Amber Foods – These are foods that should be served in smaller sizes and less frequently. Examples include reduced-fat ice cream, frozen yoghurt, muffins, juice and dried fruits. We have some of these items on our menu, but in small serving sizes and in limited numbers.

Red Foods – These are foods that are not offered in our school canteen at all. They include soft drinks, iced cakes and deep-fried foods

Canteen orders need to be done through CDF Pay. Please see the instructions in the link below.

CDFpay Parent Information

Canteen Menu Term 1 2025


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